Meet our Trustees

We have a strong, united team of Trustees with a wide range of knowledge, experience and skills to ensure we bring the Marae project to fruition. 

Ryan Thompson / Chair


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Peter Peke / Vice Chair


Tena koutou katoa
Ko Peter Peke toku ingoa
Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Ngati Paoa te iwi
Ko Moehau te maunga
Ko Tikapa te moana
Ko Waihou te awa
Ko Wharekawa te marae
Tihei Mauri Ora

Born in Thames, I completed my schooling at Hauraki Plains High School.

I then served for ten years in the Royal New Zealand Navy from 1986 to 1996 and I’ve lived in Whangamata since then.

We have four children who have all been schooled in Whangamata. 

I have been on the Whangamata Community Marae Trust for a long period of time and I’m very passionate and dedicated to establishing a community marae in our beautiful town.

Kia ora tatou katoa.

Peter Priest


Ko Taranaki tōku Mounga
Ko Waitara tōku awa
Ko Tokomaru tōku waka
Ko Taranaki tōku rohe
Ko Te Atiawa tōku iwi
Ko Ngati Rahiri tōku hapū
Ko Owae tōku marae
Ko Hurikino rāua ko Mihirawhiti ōku mātua I tipu ake au ki Waitara
Kei Whangamatā tōku kainga ināianei
Ko Peter Priest tōku ingoa
Nō reira tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa

I am a retired Materials and Process Engineer and a retired Dairy Farmer. I have lived and holidayed in Whangamata for 38 years and have lived permanently for 12 of those years. I have been Chairman for my hapū in Taranaki for 6 years, so I travel a lot. I have been a member of the Whangamatā Marae Trust for 4 years. I am a member of the Whangamatā Ratepayers for 2 years, a member of Whangamatā Menzshed for 4 years and recently became a member of the Whangamatā Lions. My interests are Te Reo Māori, all sports, fishing and volunteer community work. My wife is Susan Priest, we have two adult boys and five mokopuna.

Ngā mihi, Peter

Riki Tipene


Ko wai tēnei

Ko Tainui te waka 

Ko Taupiri te maunga 

Ko Waikato te awa

Ko Waikato te iwi 

Ko Ngāti Hine rāua ko Ngāti Te Ata ngā hapū 

Ko Mangatangi te marae 

Ko Hoturoa te rangatira 

No Te Kauwhata ahau, engari kei Whangamatā tōku kainga ināianei 

Ko Melena Rose Davis tōku hoa wahine 

E tōru ō māua tamariki, ko Tayla rātou ko Ryan ko Taimana. 

Ko Riki Te Oiroa Tipene tōku ingoa 

Nō reira, tēnā kouto, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa 


Te Awheroa Gilbert


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Tai Rapana


Sue Priest / Treasurer


Kei aku nui, kei aku iti, tēnā koutou katoa.
Ko Taranaki te mounga e rū nei taku ngākau
Ko Whangamata te moana e mahea nei aku maharahara I tipu ake au ki Oakura, Taranaki E mahi ana au hei kaikute Kua mutu taua mahi ināianei
Ko Hūhana tōku ingoa
Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa.

My name is Susan Priest, I am originally from Oakura, Taranaki. My parents are Peter and Shirley Kaye from New Plymouth. I am a retired Chartered Accountant and a retired Dairy farmer. With my family we have holidayed in Whangamta for 38 years and lived here permanently for 12 of those years. I have been a member of the Whangamatā Marae Trust for 2.5 years. My interests are fishing, swimming, tennis, my whānau, and volunteer work within my community. My husband is Peter Priest and we have two adult boys and five mokopuna.

Ngā mihi nui, Sue

Natalie Boyd

About me

Kia ora, my name is Natalie Boyd and I manage Eastern Coromandel Community Services Trust here in Whangamatā. I have been in the role since April of 2023. I am a registered social worker who grew up in Rotorua and worked with whānau all over the motu. I am passionate about helping to bring a Marae to Whangamatā as growing up in Rotorua we were always visiting the local Marae for school and later work hui. I am a mum of two boys, one is 13 and the other is one and a half years of age. I have lived in Whangamata for a little over three years. I moved to Whangamata so I could bring up my boys in a town and community that has outdoor recreation and is a safe place for them to grow up.

Michelle Crook

About me

Ko Michelle Crook toku ingoa.
I am the Chair of the Eastern Coromandel Community Services Trust and Te Ata Wharekawa Trust.  I believe that for a community to thrive, it needs to work together and not operate in silos. That is why I am pleased to be an honorary trustee for the Whangamata Community Marae Trust.  When we work together, we are stronger and our outcomes are exponentially better.  In my day job, I work in strategy and marketing, helping my clients make good marketing decisions so that they can grow and thrive.  Outside of work, I am heavily involved in governance in the not for profit space, plus I like to read, catch up with family and friends, and exercise.  In 2021, I was awarded a MNZM in the New Year's Royal Honours 2021 for services to the community.


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